Greetings, fellow Bagehots...
Welcome to a new blog aimed at the Knight-Bagehot community. The purpose of this blog is to enable Bagehots (and others) to talk to each other about subjects of interest, from matters of grave importance (Bernanke replacing Greenspan) to the more mundane (why did we have to split the Sheraton ballroom with that Sinn Fein crew last November anyway??).
Unlike a "normal" blog, featuring the views of a single host and responses to that host's posts, we'd like this blog to be more of a grassroots effort. That is, we'll post items, seeking your responses, but we'd like you to feel free to introduce topics of discussion on your own as well.
Who are "we"? In general, we're members of the Knight-Bagehot Alumni committee, a small, mostly New York-based crew dedicated to helping K-B director Terri Thompson achieve her lifelong goal of world domination---by Bagehots!
In particular, we're the co-chairs of that committee: Greg Farrell ('97) and Pat Winters Lauro ('03).
In conjunction with this blog, we're also building a new website that will keep track of the latest Bagehot bylines, the latest Bagehot job-changes and a whole lot of other Bagehot stuff. Once we get that up and running, we'll link, of course.
Pat, what do you think?
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